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Writer's picture Rohingya Christian

A Request to Every Rohingya Christian

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. We feel it's crucial for every Rohingya Christian in Myanmar, Bangladesh, and other countries to progress the young generation. Train up your children in the word of God, teach them to share the good news of salvation. As we read Luke 15:7, "I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent."

Christ teaches that a soul is more important than the whole world.

99% of Rohingyas don't know Christ, every true believer is obligated to share the gospel with them.

Isá Moósir name sólam. Gura nosólore torki gorá Burma, Bangladesh or oinno-oinno decót aséde fottí uggúa Rohingya Isáyittu zorul boli añára báfi. Tuáñrár fuaindóre Allar kalamor torbiyot dou, ítaráre nazator bála hobor elan gorá cíko. Añará zendila Allar kalamot fori Luúk 15:7, “Aññí tuáñráre hoóir, thík héndila touwá gorá noforede nobboi nozon dórmikóttu aró ekzon gunágar touwá goillé bíyostot bicí kúci óibou.”” Isáye añára aró cíkaiye de, ekkán ruú fura duniyaittú aró becí dami.

99% Rohingya ókkollé Isáre nosiné, fottí ekzon sóiyi imandár ottú taráre Allar kalam hoón fóros.

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