You may also aware, majority of Rohingya are devoted to Islam. Known as 99%. The Rohingya Christian in Bangladesh and other places lost many privileges as they come to faith in Christ. They are abducted, assailed, sexually abused, intimated, threaten to death, children lost privilege of studying with own ethnic.
The below images are the persecution of Rohingya Christian in Refugee camp, many believers are injurie. They often face it, but could not express for their security.
The below pic is also of the persecutions of Rohingya Christian in India. The believer was beaten brutally and cover in a plastic to be thrown, but his wife insist the Rohingya extremists to save his life.
Rohingya Christian in India receive threatening. Despite of it, Rohingya Christian Assembly members' children reaching the Gospel in various parts of India, Bangladesh and Myanmar. through social media without fear.
Although the Rohingya Christian need to sacrifice many things as they believe in Christ, they are happy that they are the citizen of heaven. We urge your prayer support, it's our burden to reach every Rohingya with Gospel and equip young generation as foundation for the kingdom of God.