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Writer's picture Rohingya Christian

The Lord's prayer explanation

Dear all, as you know prayer is an essential tool in our lives. This is the prayer that the Lord has taught to His Disciples when one of His Disciples asked Him to teach them the prayer.

The word prayer implies "to communicate with God," thus we need to pray the appropriate way. According to the Bible, when we pray, we must not be like the hypocrites, who prefer to pray loudly so that others can hear them. The prayer helps us avoid making poor decisions and speaking negatively about others, get forgiveness and love for God, and draw closer to God. (Matthew 6:6-8)

V6. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father who is in the secret place. Then your father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you openly.

V7. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.

V8. Do not be like them, for your father knows what you need before you ask him.

  1. Our Father in Heaven- Because we are all God's children, the Lord's prayer begins with ''Our Father. We pray for His kindness and forgiveness for all of us, not just ourselves. The prayer continues with "Which art in heaven." In old English, the term art meant to be or exist. This is to remind you that we pray to Almighty God, who lives in Heaven, and not to objects on Earth. (Matthew 6:9)

  2. Hallowed be thy name. In simple terms, “hallowed be thy name” means we respect God and are loyal to Him only. This phrase is like our pledge of allegiance to God.

  3. Thy kingdom come. When Jesus prays “thy kingdom come” he is simply saying that God will be in control forever or until the end of time.

  • Thy means: yours

  • Kingdom means: an area controlled by a king

  • Come means: to happen

  1. Thy will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven - To understand what this verse in the Lord's Prayer implies, we must carefully examine it. The verse employs relatively simple words, but they have a significant meaning. => Thy refers to yours, while will refers to a desire or wish. => Done means completed. => After analyzing this verse from the Lord's Prayer, it is evident that we are promising God that we shall obey his desires or wishes on Earth.

  2. Give us this day our daily bread- If you read other commentaries on the Lord’s Prayer, the verse “give us this day our daily bread” is often interpreted in many different ways. In Exodus 16:4 God tells Moses that each morning bread will rain down from heaven to feed the children of Israel who are hungry. They are to only collect as much bread as they need for that day and keep none of it for the next day. This is the daily bread Jesus is referring to. God is the one who provides everything to us for our daily lives. (James 1:17)

  3. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. The King James Version of the Lord's Prayer requests that God forgive our "debts," just as we forgive our "debtors" (those who owe us anything). We ask God to forgive whatever sins we have committed against others. As it is written in the Gospel of (Mark 11:25, And when you stand praying, forgive anyone you have anything against. Then your Father in Heaven will forgive your sins.'' We ask God to forgive our sins and likewise, we also forgive the people who have done anything against to us. The poem does not refer to financial debts. Instead, it represents virtuous or moral debt. Simply explained, Jesus is referring to our previous misdeeds.

  4. And lead us not into temptation. This verse of the Lord’s Prayer asks God not to lead us to do something wrong or into temptation. We need God’s help because we are often tricked by the devil into making the wrong choices in life. We are asking God to help us avoid making more bad decisions

  5. But deliver us from evil: W e are asking God to rescue us and set us free from sin and evil in our lives. (2 Timothy 4:18, The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom: to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.

  6. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. By saying this line of the prayer, we are telling God that we will not forget that everything belongs to Him. He is in control of Heaven and Earth, He has the power to have mercy on us or punish us, and He deserves all of the praise or recognition.

  • Thine means something that belongs to you

  • Kingdom means: an area controlled by a king (heaven and earth)

  • Power means: the ability to act

  • Glory means: to give respect or praise

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