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Writer's picture Rohingya Christian

Where is God in this outbreak situation?

Dear friend, in this outbreak situation, in other word in the world of coronavirus, you may be asking why God or causes this pandemic disease? If we see in the Bible, when God brings many plagues upon the land of Egypt his main purpose was make His power to the Egyptians (Ex. 9:14,16). He uses those plagues to force Pharaoh to free Israel from bondage, this indicate His sovereign control over the disease and afflictions. The spread of sicknesses such as the coronavirus is a foretaste of pandemics that will be part of the end times. Jesus referred to future plagues associated with the last days (Luke 21:11). The two witnesses of Revelation 11 will have power “to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want” (Revelation 11:6). Seven angels will wield seven plagues in a series of final, severe judgments described in Revelation 16. The appearance of pandemic diseases may or may not be tied to God’s specific judgment of sin. It could also simply be the result of living in a fallen world. Since no one knows the time of Jesus’ return, we must be careful about saying global pandemics are proof that we are living in the end times. For those who do not know Jesus Christ as Savior, disease should be a reminder that life on this earth is tenuous and can be lost at any moment. As bad as pandemics are, hell will be worse. The Christian, however, has the assurance of salvation and the hope of eternity because of the blood of Christ shed on the cross for us (Isaiah 53:5) let see, how should Christians respond to pandemic diseases? First, do not panic trust in God. For He is in control. The Bible says the equivalent of "do not fear" over 300 times. Second, be wise. Take reasonable steps to avoid exposure to the disease and to protect and provide for your family. Third, look for opportunities for ministry. Often when people are fearful for their lives, they are more willing to have conversations about eternity. Be bold and compassionate in your sharing of the Gospel, always speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). Thanks You

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